3 Simple Ideas to Improve Your Personal Productivity

Do you ever find that you get to the end of a day and you look back on it and wonder what on earth did I achieve today? Has this ever happened to you at the end of a week?

I was talking with a good friend of mine over the weekend. She was telling me that she had to have a chat with one of her team members and let him know that his role was being terminated.

I asked her why, and she said that he works extremely hard – he just doesn’t seem to get anything done.  She even told me that on some occasions he is working past midnight.

She went on to explain that he doesn’t even know this is happening. He thinks he is being productive, and there is a lot of delusion going on. He has a case of majoring in the minor – and I think a lot of people get caught up in this. That is – they are extremely busy doing the wrong things.

It reminds me when the producers of Shrek were interviewed. They were explaining that they made a decision to NOT animate the background of their movies. This decision saved them millions of dollars. When asked why, they simply explained, our audience doesn’t even notice the background so why animate it?”. I think this is a very important idea. How many people work on things that your audience or others don’t care about or even notice?


So in today’s video, we provide some personal productivity tips.

NOTE: We have some awesome free online time management training about planning your best year ever, so click here now to get access 

Here are 3 fast ideas to improve your personal productivity:

1. Increase your energy you increase your productivity

What can you do to increase your energy?

When a gold fish is sick – we treat the water and not the fish. Have a look at changing your environment. It will make SUCH s difference when it comes to improving your energy

2. Implement a morning ritual

Change the way you invest your morning, change your entire day.

We call this doing morning fliptuals.

It’s investing 30 minutes getting yourself ready for the day.

3. Implement a personal productivity system

You can get more information and training about this here:

Fway Mastermind

Did you know that one hour planning your week, will double your productivity during the week?

Did you know that a 10 minute plan a day, with double your effectiveness during the day?

We would love to hear some of your thoughts and ideas below on how you focus on improving your personal productivity.


  1. Babi March 19, 2013at5:11 am

    Time: since yr time is irreplaceable, what is your time worth?? Your time is your most valuable precious resource. Let us all treasure each second & leave our mark
    Thank you

  2. Paul Kellahan March 19, 2013at8:53 am

    Hi Andrew

    GREAT post! Some very simple but very effective actions to take in your daily practice.

    I too have a morning practice including a good breakfast, exercise and meditation. I also have a morning practice before starting my work day but this is one I would like to improve and this little video has given me the little reminder to start implementing this DAILY when arriving at my desk.

    To add to this I have a DMO (Daily Method of Operation) which includes 6 steps to follow on a DAILY basis. My intention is to mark these off as I go through my day and do a final check at the end of the day to ensure all 6 steps have been completed.

    Thanks again.

    Have a great day!


  3. Simone March 19, 2013at10:22 am

    Love your work Andrew 🙂

  4. Satish Thakur March 20, 2013at3:57 am

    Wonderful tips on time management! I do really appreciate the input.

  5. JoAnne March 20, 2013at10:24 pm

    I so appreciate your simplicity. I have noticed lately that my work environment is not a productive one. For people who work from home….don’t work in the dinning room no matter how big the table is or the living room, keep it in the office. If you don’t have a home office create a space dedicated to it and don’t wonder from it. Otherwise you just get scattered and side tracked.
    Thanks again Andrew. I appreciate the reminders and the guidelines, the challenge is implementing them. Making them HABITS. LOL Have a magical day everyone. Be in peace.


  6. Srikanth P J March 20, 2013at10:30 pm

    Wow ! I always seem to be receiving your tips at the right time. My productivity is not so good these days as there is a lack of inspiration from the management due to a very short term thinking on either developing or not moving ahead a new market. So, I think these tips really are helpful to get over whatever is happening around me and yet focus on my goals and what I would need to achieve in life.

    Thanks Andy and I really appreciate your videos and this one on time management and productivity is really good. They are fresh!, innovative, to the point and truly inspires me.

  7. Tima Gitau March 22, 2013at4:53 pm

    The most informative, most valuable, most productive time I’ve spent on line, is time I’ve spent on your site. Thank you so much for all the invaluable free advice. ???

  8. thomas daniels March 27, 2013at12:48 pm

    How productive are you?

  9. James Walker March 30, 2013at10:33 pm

    Gday Robbo,
    I am moving, making. I have just smashed out 1.5 Days planning, recorded my 2014 vision and dowloaded the millionaire mind from Audible for this afternoon.

    To contribute; part of the ritual in the morning I believe is as soon as you wake up launch out of bed it is dangerous to lingre; it is an indicator of your drive and commitment to the day, and if you lul it can sabotage the day. I believe I am clearest when my eyes open and my feet hit the ground automatically.

    Robbo thanks and look out I’m coming with speed!!



  10. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:42 pm

    Brilliant – thanks for sharing this Paul. narew

  11. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:42 pm

    Thanks for this Paul. great advice. Andrew

  12. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:43 pm

    Great tip JoAnne – thanks for sharing this. Andrew

  13. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:44 pm

    Your welcome Srikanth

  14. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:44 pm

    Your welcome Tima – Im pleased you enjoy these tips.

  15. Andrew April 1, 2013at12:45 pm

    This is brilliant James. Your tip is also SO true. Great to see you firing mate – and looking forward to our next chat. Robbo

  16. Will Pointing September 3, 2013at6:23 pm

    got a lot out of that! Definitely agree with changing environments, I often will brain storm ideas in a coffee shop. My primetime is late morning for getting things done!

  17. L Mitchell February 16, 2014at11:04 am

    Love this information, extremely helpful!

  18. Yuri Malacara February 22, 2014at8:25 am
  19. Shivanand March 3, 2014at7:03 pm

    Multitasking as i know is dangerous and it is becoming inevitable with the surge of new devices that are technically more capable now a days. Your views on how and when to avoid multitasking should help a lot of people.

  20. Manuel Charro February 11, 2015at11:58 am


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