Have you taken a walk lately, and seen the abundance of fruit available on fruit trees?
Of course, I haven’t recently starting boiling and bottling jams (although I don’t mind some at breakfast now and then), trust me when I tell you I’m not the guy you want in a kitchen!
And what does hanging around fruit trees have to do with growing your business anyway?
Check out this week’s video on why its so important to know….
As you just saw, our businessman Blake was after the BIG fruit.
Andrew: But why Blake?
Blake: Cause that small stuff, that stuff hanging around there, that’s just for amateurs mate’. ‘I want to build a business, a $1m company in 1,2 or 3 years. I need the BIG fruit at the top!
Andrew: So what you’re saying Blake, is that you’ll sacrifice this smaller stuff, in the middle at the bottom to go for the BIG stuff. Why?, Whats the point?
Blake: Because I’m a winner. I’m destined for the BIG stuff – up there. It’s what all the BIG guys do
….meanwhile our businessman Blake, he’s been up that tree 6 weeks, he’s starving, tired and frustrated. And getting nowhere fast.
Look, laughs and videos (with questionable acting) aside – this is a VERY valid lesson.
Here’s our business owner, up the tree going for the BIG fruit. It’s what so many business people and entrepreneurs do.
They’re going for the BIG customers, the massive opportunities – the unattainable. They’re going for the BIG fruit.
But if you STOP and THINK on it – the MEDIUM hanging fruit, the slightly smaller stuff in the middle and lower down is RIPE and ready for picking and we’re way smarter choosing to IGNORE the HIGH hanging fruit to take care of the fruit you can see – that’s just RIGHT THERE.
It might be smaller, it may not be quite as much money – but there’s HEAPS MORE OF IT… and it’s easier to get.
What’s more – don’t forget the JAM.
All the time you’re out chasing the high hanging fruit, you’re missing and treading on the JAM. The many, many opportunities right under your feet.
JAM is readily available. Ask yourself:
• Are you currently breaking even?
• Are you making more than enough each month to cover expenses?
Then maybe you’re trying to get to the BIG fruit while ignoring the lower hanging fruit and the JAM.
Take care of your Jam. Take care of your low hanging fruit. IGNORE the high hanging fruit and your business will take care of itself.
Lets us know what you think of High hanging versus Low hanging fruit and Jam below.
Til next time
That was just hilarious Andrew and Blake – bravo Blake, I hope you got well renumerated for your efforts :-). A nice way to illustrate an important message….
Haha. Great video guys and good message! Glad Blake didn’t injure himself!
Ps. How is the watermelon juice going? 😉
Thanks Andrew, I needed that reminder – making jam today…
Yes, point well taken, so true 🙂 i had a big smile watching this video. Well done!
THanks Niamh. It was a bit of fun recording this one
Thanks Tamar.
We are all having a great time over here in Bali, although the juices are more like Broccoli juice (not watermelon as i would wish!!). We have just finished our 3 day juice now – and ENORMOUS relief to start eating again. I hope you are well.
Thanks Sonia, I hope you are well. Andrew
your welcome Kim
Love it Andrew – your videos are getting more and more entertaining and insightful!
We always tell our clients to go for the low hanging fruit first – it builds confidence by getting some quick wins on the table, there’s less risk involved and you can make any mistakes on the clients that are more forgiving – the high fruit takes a while to pull off so my advice is you can have a big one in the pipeline but work from the low hanging fruit up 😉
Great advice Simone – thanks for sharing. Andrew
Excellent video guys. You made your point. Sometimes there are so many varieties of fruit that it’s hard to pick one, even on the lower branches.LOL Thanks for the laughs.
Thanks for this.
I’ve been trying to think of a nice way to tell my brother
(business partner) that after 3 years or so the rest of our business shouldn’t have to keep propping up his pie in the sky idea.
Maybe this is it and I won’t have to pullout the big stick.
Thanks guys.
Well done, Andrew. Very innovative and a fantastic message.
It’s certainly what I’ve been suggesting to people for a while under the habits guise. Why change a bit habit when it’s so simple to change a small one and succeed with it.
Thank you.
Great video. Brought me back to where I could be going wrong. Have just started a business and it’s SLOW!! However, am following my passion – could work, right?
Great sense of humour 🙂 I love the analogy to growing our businesses. I took your How To Webinar training to learn how to effectively use webinars to best service our members effectively. Transformed our business into an online group training program which was our “low hanging fruit” Keep up the great videos Andrew!
Cheers from Canada,
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for sharing a very helpful information that we all should know.
Happy Losar ( tibetan New Year ). With much love to you and yours. Tsering and Peter Beauclerk from Suncrest Senior Care Home.com in Talent Oregon.
Love your work! I think its great to look at the big fruit and THINK BIG- but start small and work your way up to the top- you build your business muscles that way 🙂 That way you have taken the steps and not starved along the way and are ready for the picking when the time is right.