Corporate Versus Lifestyle

5 years ago, I was running a company and had 25 staff working for me. We were clearing close to $3m per annum. But I knew, my entire BEING knew, this model wasn’t for me.

But what was the answer? What did I need to do to find what I was searching for?

Being asked a simple, yet profound question was the start…

What would you rather be doing? Sitting on a beach creating content and coming up with new ideas or sitting in an office, leading and motivating staff?

I knew my answer, and it wasn’t what I was doing at that time.

Watch here for more….



Fast forward not too far in the future and I had moved into a space of creating, simplifying – and if you will – moved from a Corporate Business to a Lifestyle Business.

And you know what? The choice was MINE.

When you’re doing something you don’t enjoy, or that’s not ‘you’ – you know it.

So, the decision is yours.

Do you want to create the big, Corporate Business? – and it’s ok if you do – or do you want to leverage off a smaller team, more content focused, working from wherever you want and travelling when you want i.e. the Lifestyle Business?

I’d love to know below, what your preference is, or even, what it is you’re doing right now…

Remember: Clarity = Power

When you’re in that zone – things come to you, rather than you chasing them.


Til next time,



  1. Dave Visockis September 17, 2013at8:07 am

    Wow Andrew, you just described exactly where I am now in business (not where I want to be) and where I want TO be! I’m definitely the ideas man, but feel like I’ve never given myself the ability to truly create my dreams.

    Thank you for the blog, it’s motivated me keep striving for that ideal lifestyle business, without fear and regardless of what the doubters may think.

    Right, back to dreaming…

  2. Trudi Afford September 17, 2013at9:25 am

    Fabulous content as always Andrew that really resonates with me. Thank you so much. I truly believe it is about following your gut instincts and listening to your heart and that little voice in your head. I have recently started up a business called The Upside Of Autism and we provide support to parents with children touched by autism. My first book of the same name The Upside Of Autism is being written and I finally feel I am in the flow doing what I should be doing. I have resisted following this path for some time and now that I am going with it – it is all falling nicely into place. (Just like you said) Love your work and truly grateful for the wonderful contribution that you make.

  3. Kathy September 18, 2013at1:18 pm

    Keep it coming. You are getting through.

  4. Andrew September 18, 2013at5:12 pm

    Thanks for sharing Trudi. i am so pleased its falling into place. It always does!!! I hope you are well.


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