Why you must stop trading time for money

Are you stuck in the time for money trap?

Sadly – most people are.

Trading time for money was ingrained into most of us from an early age.

We were taught to choose a career when we were older such as being a doctor, lawyer, electrician, artist etc.

And our brains would visualise seeing ourselves working in exchange for money.

Tertiary education would build on this believe system, and this also occurs when you work for someone else (i.e. Work harder – get a promotion and I will pay you MORE money for your efforts).

This is all still trading time for money.

Its so easy to get caught in this trap – and if your not careful, it will become your identity.

If you run a business – you may still be thinking this way and I believe you can never experience freedom while thinking like this.

I was personally caught in this place for many years.  But equally – I’ve always been fascinated with figuring out how to break this.

Once you break this mindset – I believe EVERYTHING changes.

You start looking at what problems you can fix and you start realising that people are comfortable paying bigger dollars for you to remove their problem REGARDLESS of how long it takes you to do this.

With this new mindset – you also start looking at other ways you can generate money that DON’T involve your time.

An example could be fixing multiple peoples problems at once instead of doing it one by one (my course I sell at www.hotowebinar.com is an example of this)

This course people teaches people how to use webinars to scale their business. I recorded the solution once, and I can sell it over and over again – thus making money from it doesn’t take any more time to teach.

(let me know if you want more information about this)

And there is no reason why you can do this.  BUT – you have to change your thinking before you will ever action it.

A great mentor of mine  – Marshal Thurber taught me ‘Andrew – you have to spend more time ‘un-learning’ than ‘learning’’

This is so true.

My advice is to stop thinking about how much money you can make per hour – and start to think about what problems you can fix and what people would pay for this.  In addition, you could also start asking how you can fix a problem without giving up your time – (other then the initial time it might take you to build a course or solution (i.e. Build it once and sell to over and over))

Enjoy the video,


Andrew Roberts

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