Did you know that you are 10 times more likely to do something when you write it down?
Henriette Anne Klaueser wrote a book called “Write It Down, MAKE IT HAPPEN”. It’s very true. And personally, I think it’s far more likely to happen when you add pen to paper as opposed to text to a screen.
There is something that happens at a subconscious level when you put ink to paper. This is why I believe it’s really important to sit down and write down where you see yourself at 5 years, then 12 months time. Once you have this list, then you break it back to what you want achieved in the next 90 days.
I also believe you will double your productivity when you plan out your week. For me, I like to write down personal goals first – health, family, social, education, etc. And then I will add in my business goals which are taken from my 3-month plan. The next step is to add these tasks to your calendar. If they are not in there, they wont get done.
Finally – a daily planner is something that will set you up for the day. I have a brilliant template to help you. If you would like a copy please email us at andrew@andrewroberts.com.au
So remember – don’t rely on your thoughts. Write it down and make it happen.
p.s I also have a great weekly planner template as well – just email us at andrew@andrewroberts.com.au if you would like a copy.
When you write it down it stares at you till you do it or you throw the bit of paper away .