PLEASE tell me you are using video to help you promote your business?
ALL business is built on relationships.
You agree with me on this don’t you?
Then I am sure you would agree that video is a great way to build relationships with your current and future clients.
I was sharing this with a client the other day and they just said to me, ‘Andrew – I just don’t have time to record videos’.
And I told them ‘It doesn’t matter – you don’t have to!!!’
They said ‘What do you mean?’ – I mentioned a colleague of mine called Chris Parsons. Chris receives a clients’ script and he then records the video for them.
This has the added benefit of making them look bigger and he does this for a really reasonable price.
So there really is NO EXCUSE for not doing video anymore.
If you like what you see in this video, and would like an introduction to Chris – just email me back and the team will link you (by the way there is nothing it in this for me – it is just a sensational service)
You could even send in ALL of your old written blogs and Chris would then turn them into videos for you.
Remember– if you are not out there – then how can people find you?
Enjoy the video this week on the benefits of using VIDEO.
p.s this little video took me all of 3 minutes to create so it is minimal work for maximum return…