The one ESSENTIAL skill that most people lack in selling…

This is a topic that took me two years in business to grasp. When I did, I made more sales than I could handle and helped a number of my coaching clients achieve the same.

This is what helped many business owners that I have worked with move their business to a million dollar company in record time.

When I started out in business, it took me about 2 years to realise that I wasn’t selling my business, I was selling me!!!  Therefore, as a start up business ownerthe number one skill you can master is to learn how to sell yourself.  It’s only when you achieve enough income, covering your expenses and allowing you to enjoy life again (i.e. a small profit), that you move to the next level and start selling your system or team.  The problem was, like many entrepreneurs I wasn’t taught this.

I had a patch in my first 2 years as a coach where I did more than 40 appointments  (about 5 per week) where I didn’t make one sale.  I can’t tell you how close I was to quitting.  My confidence and self esteem were at an all time low and I frankly, I just wanted to go back and work for a big company where I could actually collect  some money every 2 weeks and have a holiday!!!!

And then I was taught something that changed everything….

A great mentor of mine taught me that you need to invest time and work through the following questions in order to achieve extremely high results in your sales efforts

  1. What do you need to do to get the prospect to believe in you?
  2. What do you need to do to get the prospect to believe in your company?
  3. What do you need to do to get the prospect to believe in themselves?
  4. What objections will they have?
  5. What questions will they have?
  6. What are their options (including the option of doing nothing)?

Now – these questions are very very important, and time invested in answering them will improve your sales by 400%.

You see, almost everyone has a degree of scepticism.  You need to help remove this, and sadly it’s too hard to achieve this if you are relying on a 1 hour sales appointment. There just isn’t enough time.

My advice is you take these questions away and invest an afternoon into answering them.  Start with the first question written across the top of a blank page, and list as many ideas as you possibly can.  When you have finished this list – then double it  (I’m serious) …Once you have finished this task, then answer this extremely important question:-

“What can I do to automate the answers to these questions, so when I arrive for the meeting, the prospect is sold?”

Doing this, and subsequently introducing a sales system to build believability, credibility and likability in the eyes of the prospect had an enormous impact on my sales conversion. I went from bringing on practically 0 clients, to over 80% of them.  Once I put the system in place, and ensured the prospect and I stuck to the system – I never looked back – and I am convinced that this is a major contribution to how we build out business to a million dollar company in less than a year.

It’s a matter of doing the work once and reaping the rewards forever and it works.  It will take you some time and effort to complete this, but it is SO worth it in the long run.

Let us know how you go implementing this. I’d love to hear from you!

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Bye for now,




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