I started my career as a Business Coach 16 years ago. Having clocked over 10 000 hours of coaching and working with over 1000 clients, I see some amazing similarities…
Browsing CategoryCoach
Do you charge what you’re worth?
Do you charge what your worth? What I find is the more experienced you become, the better and quicker you are at doing things. You are SO close to what…
A Simple Yet Powerful Marketing Tip
Writing a letter to your Cousin George – a powerful marketing lesson taught to me by Ben Simkin from BusinessNet. If you want to shake up your marketing strategies –…
Are You Too Desperate?
Sometimes wanting what you can not have so desperately can actually push your goal further away. If you are too desperate – people are turned off. Are you projecting the…
Business Skills
Many people have amazing business skills but still run a business that I would never invest in! Why? SIMPLE – your business model is NOT APPROPRIATE inntoday’s modern world!! In…
Falling In Love – With The PROCESS
When you fall in love with the PROCESS and not the DESTINATION – you will enjoy the entire journey called LIFE. Many of us at some stage, have dreamt about…
Managing Your Energy – Not Your Time
Everyone you speak with will tell you that TIME MANAGEMENT is the most important skill you can implement into your life – and I agree it is important, but I…
How To Reach Your Potential With A Mentor
I don’t believe that you can reach your full potential without a Mentor. Think about an amateur golfer wanting to move into the professional arena. The right equipment is important…