Have you ever found yourself in a job, relationship or situation that you had a deep knowing was not right for you? This is a sign that you may not…
Browsing CategoryMindset
Letting Go And Living In The Present
Many of us have expectations about how our life should be. We often try to live up to the expectations of others and, on top of this, we often put…
Reach Your Potential
Before we start to reach our potential, it’s important to understand that we have far more potential than we actually think we do. For any of you who have kids,…
Depression Warning Signs
Being in business can be really challenging. Recently, a business colleague of mine brought up the subject of depression in relation to business owners. I think many people (particularly males)…
Building A Lifestyle Business (Interview With Sam Bowden)
These days, many business owners are very excited about getting involved in a “start-up”. There is potential to start out with a great idea and a garage, and then in…
Choosing To Be Happy – Finding Happiness By Choice
Happiness can be such an “airy fairy” topic. However, I think it’s important to stop every so often to reflect that happiness is actually the thing that we are all…
Expectations – Changing Your Definition of Success
Expectations … Let me tell you what I have come to learn about them … They can HARM you. I am sorry for being blunt but I really need to…
I’ll Be Happy When …
So you’re not satisfied with life? You think it has no purpose or meaning? You think there should be more? Perhaps you don’t feel happy, or satisfied or fulfilled –…
Valentines Day
The cynic might say that Valentines Day is all about commercialism and the romantic might say it’s only about love but I say it’s another day of awareness of giving,…
To have a friend is to be one first
To receive friendship then first you must give friendship. It is impossible to be a friend without being a giver and I’m not talking in the monetary sense. It costs…