Valentines Day

The cynic might say that Valentines Day is all about commercialism and the romantic might say it’s only about love but I say it’s another day of awareness of giving, in the name of love.

What is wrong with giving someone a bunch of flowers on February 14th?  So what if that becomes the only day of the year that you do.  Most women would agree that it’s better than never!

Think about this. If Valentines Day is all about giving then everyone benefits. Take the bunch of flowers for an example.  Flower farmers benefit, the florist benefits, the giver benefits (remember, it’s even more rewarding to give than to receive) and the receiver benefits. What on earth is wrong with that?

I have friends who attended a school where the Head mistress gave each student a chocolate heart every Valentines day. What a great example of giving out the message of love. Commercial?  Well Nestle Peters might see it that way, but with their boosted sales, they too are smiling.  I see only winners here.

Valentines Day originated on the 14th February 269 AD, the day that St Valentine was condemned to death for illegally performing marriages in ancient Rome. My research shows that the day didn’t become ‘commercialized’ (there’s that word again) until the 19th Century. It’s a perfectly legitimate day to spread the message of love.

With so much negativity in the world, how great to have a truly positive day. This is a day of love and love doesn’t have to be expressed in the giving of gifts, flowers or cards. Pick up a phone or surprise visit someone. Why don’t we all reach out to someone we love (or even like), in which ever form we choose.

Have a great day,



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